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 I don't know what to call this story, so just read it!

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Number of posts : 770
Location : Killing my computer for dying all the time
Currency : 1500 tajii
Battle Coins : *crickets chirping*
Registration date : 2007-08-17

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I don't know what to call this story, so just read it! Empty
PostSubject: I don't know what to call this story, so just read it!   I don't know what to call this story, so just read it! Icon_minitimeWed Nov 04, 2009 8:33 pm

This is a new story idea that I've been working on. Don't worry, I'm still working on Cry of the Moon, but this is in the front of my mind right now (besides trying to program Yahtzee). Enjoy, and try to help me come up with a name for it... Warning: there are more than a few swear words in this story, just based on the nature of it. If this offends you, I'm sorry.

"Pete! Pete, come in! Are you there?"
Those assembled waited for an answer. Finally, a response sounded from the cell phone they gathered around. "We're still here, Gabe. But that last shell hit really close. Damn, their aim's getting good! I think it hit somewhere on the history hall!"
Gabriel swore under his breath. "Someone call the group there!" he called out to those behind him. One of them (Robert was his name?) quickly fumbled his cell out. "Hey, Noah, you there? Anyone? ...Noah! Thank God! Where'd that last one hit? ...The whole many survivors? ...Only two..." He looked up at Gabriel. "The group hiding in Schwarts's room got the full hit from that. There're only two of them left," he relayed, his voice starting to crack.
"Only two? Did you happed to hear who?" Gabriel demanded. The boy, not seeming to trust his voice, shook his head. Gabe again swore. The death toll was up to around one-hundred. He couldn't understand why these people would be attacking a school in the first place, let alone why they would start firing bazookas and howitzers at them. What would anyone want with the little suburb of Bucktown?
He looked up in time to see another shell making its wat towards the school, hitting down near the English hall, right where Pete's group was. Gabriel snatched up his phone, yelling into the reciever, "Pete! You guys okay?" He heard a whole lot of static and rumbling until it soon vanished into near-silence. "Anyone over there? Answer me!"
A cough came through the earpiece, then a voice. "Gabe, is that you?"
He almost didn't recognize the voice. "Jacob! Where's Pete? What happened over there?"
Jacob's voice was shaky and raspy, like he'd inhaled some of the dust from the impact, when he answered, "Pete's dead. That blast his right where we were. The hall caved in; we're stuck on the far end. The good news is, since we've stopped firing, the boys in black outside have left us alone. They probably think that we all died back then."
Gabriel automatically asked, "How many died, besides Pete?"
"Only three total: Pete, Mikey, and Alexa," the reply came. "Shit, here comes another one!"
Gabe looked up just in time to see a shell fly over the hall his group was in. "Anyone see where that went?" he called out to those around him.
"I don't know. I think it went behind us somewhere."
Gabriel mentally mapped out what part of the school was behind them. "Shit! The teachers' lounge!" When the attack on Bucktown High began, the principal called all of the teachers into the teachers' lounge to discuss strategies to evacuate. "Does anyone here have any of the teachers' numbers? I have Spiggs's."
Jacob's voice came back on the phone. "One of us is calling Mr. Michaelson." Both groups sat in silence while the two teachers were called. "Mr. Michaelson's not answering! All I'm getting is static!" someone on the other side shouted. Gabriel turned to Oleg, the student behind him who was calling the drama teacher. "I've go' 'im!" he exclaimed, handing the phone to Gabriel.
"Spiggs! What happened? Are you guys okay?" he spoke fiercely into the phone. The comfortingly familiar voice of his drama teacher came in over the noise of things reacting to gravity.
"Gabriel, is that you? That last shell - cough! - hit us incredibly horribly! Almost everyone perished in the initial blast. Only three lives persisted: myself, Mrs. Parks, and Mr. Nelson."
His peculiar style of speech had ceased to phase Gabriel, who'd had him for almost four years. "Get down to the gym! The cardio room's completely walled in, and you can barricade the door with the equipment," he ordered, his training at ROTC kicking in.
"Of course. How have you youths been doing?"
"We got lucky. We were able to get to Mikey's Jeep before they hit us too bad, and we looted his stash of hunting rifles. We split into a couple different groups. The group in the English hall got hit by a shell too. The death toll's over a hundred now," Gabriel rattled off the facts without letting himself absorb the full impact of the events. "We've got the math nerds calculating the angle we need to aim, so we don't waste ammo. All of the bio-chem students are working on healing the injured, and the advanced chem students are making bombs for us. Sodium works really well with the fire hoses. We've made some spears out of yard sticks, too."
There was a pause at the other end. "You have done well, Gabriel. Perhaps we should just let you lead. Now wait," Spiggs said when Gabe started protesting, "You are one of the only people among us who has any martial training. We would not make you take up the burden of blame, of course. Mr. Nelson would still be publically proclaimed as leader."
Gabriel heard the whine of an incoming missile and hung up quickly. HIs head whipped around to face the sound. The form of the missle slowly filled the window. "Get down!" shouted Gabe. As it hit, a resounding crash filled the air. He felt a flash of pain and everything went black.

I will write more of this story, as I have continued to write Cry of the Moon. What I've posted so far is just a part of the first chapter, which I haven't finished yet. Both this story and Cry of the Moon will be the first stories that I'll publish, if I can. I really (times infinity) want to get them published, but until I finish them and get them edited and such, I'll just have you guys as my audience.
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Number of posts : 770
Location : Killing my computer for dying all the time
Currency : 1500 tajii
Battle Coins : *crickets chirping*
Registration date : 2007-08-17

Character Profile

I don't know what to call this story, so just read it! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I don't know what to call this story, so just read it!   I don't know what to call this story, so just read it! Icon_minitimeSat Nov 14, 2009 9:49 pm

Next part!!!

A loud moan escaped the patient below. "Just hold on! We'll be there soon, " Aiden coaxed. The boy he was helping to carry was only a freshman. He didn't deserve any of this..., he thought bitterly. Shrapnel from one of the blasts had lodged into his led, and it looked like it had gone all the way to the bone. Aiden and his partner ran through the doorway to the woodshop that they'd commandeerd for a critical treatment room and set their burden down onto a table. One of the other students, a bio-chem senior named Sarah, came over to examine him. "This looks bad, " she said as she looked over the wound. She bit her lip before finally saying, "I don't think we can save it. We'll have to amputate." Aiden nodded grimly; he'd guessed as much. Too many of the injured couldn't be helped. Again, Aiden wished that he could have at least been in college when they were attacked. There would be so much more that they could do...
He and the other student who'd helped him carry the boy down lifted him again and moved him over to the circular saw. Aiden helped hold the boy down while Sarah readied the saw. He turned away and tried to drown out the boy's screams by concentrating on the sound of the saw. In minutes, though it seemed like hours, it was over.
"All right. Let's bind him up." Sarah's voice was soft and unsure. Aiden grabbed some torn-up strips of lab coat and came back. He started wrapping, along with Sarah and another bio-chem student, doing his best not to concentrate on exactly what he was doing. A mob of students burst into the room carrying at least half-a-dozen students. Most of them just looked a little banged-up, but a couple brought in couldn't be mistakeh for anything other than dead.
"Oh my god, Gabe!"
Aiden spun around to see Sarah rush over to one of the new patients. Gabe? Gabe Smith from Drama? Curious, he moved over toward the growing group of anxioud faces. Gabriel Smith was lying on one of the few worktables left, blood coating his face. Sarah was frantically searching for the source, her panic plain on her face. Another senior Aiden didn't recognize placed his hand calmly on her shoulder. Sarah stared up at him for a moment before backing away and letting him work.
It wasn't as bad as it first looked. The blood on Gabe's face was just from a broken nose and a gash on his forehead, which the senior stitched up silently. Sarah had collapsed in a chair off to the side, out of the way of the frenzy, and was finally starting to regain some color in her pale face. The stream of injured, dead, and dying had steadilly increased since Gabriel's group had come in. Though no one wanted to admit it, they were fighting a losing battle.
A loud, low rumble shook the room. No one even spared a glance; rumbles had been common enough that day. The sounds of machine gun fire could be heard as well. Aiden only noted that fact because it meant that the "boys in black," as they had become known, were hitting the school nearby. Aiden and the other students kept on working, oblivious to the outside world. Suddenly, everything went silent, and over the low moans of the patients, Aiden could hear the sounds of marching boots.
A group of men wearing black armor (they almost looked like a SWAT team) stepped into the room. Helmets with tinted visors obscured their faces. Each man carried a machine gun with apparent ease. One soldier looked toward the group of student working on the wounded. He raised his gun and fired.
Aiden, Sarah, and a few others had ducked when the gun had been raised; Sarah dragged Gabe down with them. The unknown senior hadn't been so lucky. He fell beside them with a wet thud, a pool of blood forming around him. Several more sounded across the room, along with muffled sobs. The muted sound of a shout echoed through the room. "Cease fire! These ones are unarmed!"
The voice came from one of the soldiers, whose helmet looked more like the helmet of an evil overlord from a sci-fi movie. He proceeded to instruct the others, probably his underlings, to surround and investigate Aiden and the others. Beside him, Sarah's face was pale as a ghost. A soldier appeared beside them and stared at them for a few moments before turning away. "These three are relatively unharmed, sir!" the electronically altered voice called out of the helmet.
"Gas the room and start moving out the dead. Bring the live ones back to the base," the commander ordered. Behind him, Aiden heard Sarah whimper. He turned to face her and saw her curled protectively around Gabriel, tears streaming down her face. He started to place his hand on her shoulder, when he suddenly began to get dizzy. His vision faded in and out until all went black.

A couple more parts to go in Chapter 1. I have about one and a half more written, and there's probably going to be one or two more parts on top of that, so this will take a while. Enjoy, if anyone even reads this...
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